How to do seo keyword competition analysis easily ? Actually it’s a burning question now a days. Most of the seo expert faces this problem as usual. If you want a quick ranking for your site you have to do a perfect seo keyword competition analysis. So here I’m going to show you the easiest way of getting seo keyword competition.
There are many Seo keyword research tools. But Most of them are paid software. You have to buy to get Full feature. Free & trusted tool always gets the Madel. So my discussion is about free seo keyword research tool.
Download The Latest version of free seo keyword research tool [SKR]. It’s absolutely free. After downloading Open it as Administrator Privilege. Just follow the Picture below.
After that Click Free version.
Your keyword research Software is Ready now.
1st of all you have to collect your desired keyword from Google Adword keyword Planner
Suppose your Keyword is Free seo keyword Research tool. Put this keyword like below.
Click Deep Search. Wait until the Tool Confirmation. Look at the picture below. The Red circle is running.
After few seconds later you would get a Message box like below which would contain your seo keyword competition percentage and Level.
This is how you can estimate your desired seo keyword competition easily.