robindronath_thakur one of the best Max99 & Mig33 programmer of BD
hey guys, 😀
I’m here with a New story of robi bro. I got few honest developers who always share true logic. He is one of them. I like him for that reason. He also helped me a lot. I really grateful to him. Lets take a look of his interesting story.
I’m srabon, from Bangladesh, my mig33 id is robindronath_thakur. I started mig33 since August 2006 but i used this id from September 2007. At beginning i used mig33 for multi kicking purposes. As like others , i also using sjboy with mouse recorder and multi desktop. After migpro added, i got chance to meet few foreign users like vortex, freezer and alen1.1. Then i joined 7-8 mig33 tool forum as user and was uploading tools on those forum. I continued that around 1 year. I used shen87 for duel and sok++ about 2 years.
In the meantime, there some events happened with my mig33 life. One day one of my friend teased me for making tool because id hacking face out in Bangladesh that time.On my part, i like auto flooding which named on flood duel. On other side i learned about computer programming specially vb6, advised by freezer. Then alen advised me to join t3rmi forum for helping about mig tool. Actually i was already member of that site but didn’t know about it. yash bro helps me when i stuck on start. Then i met with 3d_sword (hannan bro) and shit00n bro. With 3d_sword, i discussed with philosophy more than programming and he always thought that i was working hard. With shit00n bro , he supported me about web connection with api. He always like my works and wanna make a tool with me but it was unable due to busy life. i always make tool for own comfortable.
My 1st tool was flooding tool for beating my opponent. Then i browsed on web for learning various use of vb6. I continued it with my study and still going on. My friend kaium offered me to come in max99. I use my brain in thinking more than asking help.In my view,programming is a language which can talk with me to reach my purpose what i tried to earn. In the beginning to now, i work for helping my think to improve my knowledge,not for a business benefit. It happens many times that people tried to divert me. but i love my work and my project as my child so they are not my business,they are my family,my fame. I always wish to keep myself such a standard that there no shadow over me. that’s why i always work on those thing which new for all on that time i made to make my work
unique from others as like max99 programming and work with delphi . May ALLAH give me energy to keep up my programming hobby with my vast
study. I am just seeking knowledge in vast world of knowledge.
Best regards,