[MUE] Mig33 Utility Explorer Created By mjridoy5/dmj..5

[MUE] Mig33 Utility Explorer
An All in One Mig33 Multy Manager
Lets Utilize Your Mig33 Multy Experience Coz only Mig is Not Fun Enough!

***May Be its Not So good then yours, better than others, but best for me!!***

Installation Password > Ridu

Mig33 login Utility

===Basic Software Functions===

(*) Maximum 2000 id load and Mig33 login
(*) Own Gateway, port, Login delay
(*) Spy id Mig33 login
(*) Spy ID alive
(*) Multy ID alive
(*) Spy ID details
(*) Get IDs level, Credit, Mobile Number After login
(*) MigAlerts
(*) Active Balance header
(*) SN Numbers
(*) Show every error detail
(*) load id count
(*) log id count
(*) status bar for Moderate functions
(*) helping section for help
(*) Advance TaskManager for software functions
(*) Minimize in tray
(*) Make clone of software
(*) Advance system for checking update

===Multy Group Joiner===

(*) Mig33 Multy group join
(*) Mig33 Multy group join delay 7 sec per ID

Mig33 login Utility

===Multy Emotication Buyer===

(*) v4 emotication buy
(*) Old pack emotication buy
(*) Buy emotication by code [any emot pack]
(*) Buy in great speed (Net also must be great)

===Avatar Maker===

(*) Male avatar
(*) Female avatar
(*) Extra jeans pant
(*) Extra jeans jacket
(*) Great speed (Net also must be great)

===Gc Gifter===

(*) Own Gc gift
(*) Own Gc gifting delay
(*) Update balance after gift
(*) Notification after Getting gc key
(*) Auto Spy leave Gc (On/Off)
(*) Display credit over error

Mig33 login Utility

===Password & SQ Management===

(*) Mig33 Password Changer
(*) Sq changer with Question code methode
(*) Sq set for new ids
(*) Great Speed for changing (Net also must be great)

===Public Fighting Options===

(*) Public room kicking (15 IDs)
(*) all id enter/leave/send text
(*) Mig33 single id enter/leave/send text
(*) pop on single id text send
(*) 2 type Bullet kick
(*) Roll kick
(*) Text before kick (Temporary Disabled)
(*) auto vote when kick start (On/Off)

Mig33 login Utility

===Multy Flood Functions===

(*) text flood
(*) dc flood
(*) random text flood
(*) Enter/left roll
(*) Roll flood
(*) Dc roll
(*) Random text roll
(*) Flood with AEC
(*) own delays
(*) load emotications,dc codes,random text from text file

===Online Bot Functions===

(*) Mig33 Multy act as bot
(*) always alive
(*) 2 chatroom for chat
(*) 1 Room silent park
(*) no Hidden/Defalt rooms
(*) auto chat
(*) auto status
(*) auto pv chat
(*) auto blogpost (10+ lvl)
(*) auto avata comment (5+ lvl)
(*) Own delay for all function

Mig33 login Utility

===Avatar voter, Liker, Footprint===

(*) Mig33 avatar voter
(*) spy id get voting link
(*) profile like
(*) own like delay
(*) footprint
(*) Footprint delay 3 second (Defalt)

===Mail Sender, Abuser, Pv Boom===

(*) Mig33 Multy email sender (not boomer)
(*) send email to any contact
(*) Great speed for sending mail (Net also must be great)
(*) Abuse reporting by multy (risky)
(*) pvt boomer
(*) 3 text boom

Mig33 login Utility

***********And Lots More, Discover Your Self***********

Installation Password > Ridu

DropBox Download Link: http://www.dropbox.com/s/fqefv5c2cbi51yg/MUE.exe
MediaFire Download Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qbm5ltcy7kmyb2t/MUE.exe

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