Helle Visitors,
There are Many IPO Account Holders in Bangladesh. They Have to submit a lot of Application form several time. So i Developed IPO application form Generator to make their submission easy.
1. It can Generate differenr types of IPO application in PDF formate.
2. It contains a Database to save IPO information so You need not to type your Information again and again.
3. You can directly Load your IPO information from Database.
4. Enable Preview Mode to get the PDF formate before generating IPO Application form.
5. You can Get your All IPO information at a Time.
Download IPO application form Generator [IpoGen]
.net Framework 4.5 : http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=229933
[highlight]This is Demo version. You have to Pay to get the Full version for 1 year. For Purchasing Purpose Join With Us https://www.facebook.com/groups/ipogen [/highlight]
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