Famous Mig33 hacker Ever remember._.deathtime & kolponate__2mi
Hello friends 😛
I have posted few Mig33 developers story. But I’m going to share an Interesting story of 2 Bangladeshi Mig33 hackers. I can’t stop laughing to remember 1 interesting matter……. Once he hacked Admin ID drvoje. he used My admin tool to Kick all user. Fortunately he also kicked My main ID yaan_9 that day. lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz . But he told Me the truth after few days of this hacking 😛 . Lets see what was happen……
Hey guys,
I am shakil and my mig33 id is remember._.deathtime . First of all i wanna say my English very bad:( And i am not a good narrator And also i m not a professional hacker. I don’t know any basic about hacking but still we managed to hack many mig33 ids. Ops i forgot 1 thing…… I forgot to introduce my partner, Best friend Taisir And his mig33 id is kolponate__2mi. Guys don’t be upset after hearing this hacking tricks :P. May b it was 2008. One day i thought that if i managed to find any mig33 id number then i would use the mig33 option forgot password and call that guy about the number and convince him that its a very important message for me etc etc…. After that i found a way.
Wait….. guys its not the end :p we hacked more than 10000 short ids…. You guys are thinking that calling 10000 is impossible. Yap you are right 😛 First we entered the short id. And we found the inviter id (if you invite any guy to mig33 your id will automatically added to your invited id). We then check out the friend list of the inviter id. Maximum id which was added to the inviter id …….. All password was same 😛 Sometimes we found more than 500 ids added to an inviter id. Thats it……Mig33 updated the system in 2012 or last of 2011 i don’t remember.But i can say that it was updated for me and Taisir. My mig33 friends still thinks that i am a very good hacker but i don’t know anything about hacking 😛
I wanna share another interesting hacking story…. It was invented by my friend Taisir . I have never seen smart guy like him. He has got extraordinary brain. we hacked 2 admin ids reinaldi, drvoje twice yes i repeat admin id hacked twice by us And more than 100 merchants within 2 days. First of all we went to the merchant center and collect their mobile numbers. May be it was the first day when mig33 added security question system. After collecting the mobile numbers we went to the mig33 website via pc and click forgot password option. After that we entered the mobile number. There were a window which showing which security question you set. May b you guys are not understanding my words. Wait let me explain. We first collect the mobile number of mig33 admin reinaldi. After that we go to the mig33 website and click forgot password option. Its showed me the question which reinaldi set(whom do you like most in the world). I entered the answer (my mother). Entered new password,and confirm new password. Then click done. I was sure it would be wrong answer. But to my surprise bingo…………………… I called Taisir and told him about that. After that opened an admin software and kicked more than 5000 ids within 30 minutes. After 30 minutes that id was inactive 😛 After 7 days mig33 reactive reinaldi’s id and we again hack that id. I remember when i was kicking with his id i found him on uk-london room With another id. He was telling the users to leave the room he is the original reinaldi :p I kicked that id also :P. Old mig33 was very much enjoyable but nowadays i have lost interest about mig33. Nowadays many guys trying to hack ids via invite option. They are very serious about hacking. But we gave up all in 2011. But sometimes we hack many targeted ids. But this tricks still working. So it’s not the right time to say about it. May b i will write about it in 2015 :p Bye guys. Take care.
You can visit our short id site 😛
how i can get this short? or buy it?
contact with him.
okkkkkkk, thanks