How to fix moodle Installation error of Nginx in windows

Moodle (Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment) is a free and open-source LMS (learning management system) written in PHP and distributed under the GPL License. As a Windows user, I prefer to use Laragon as a powerful universal development environment for PHP. And for the server, I always go for Nginx. Do you ever face any … Read more

How to disable password prompts during git push/pull

Firstly, Generate an SSH key into your server/localhost You will Get your .ssh/ Copy the Key and Add a Aew SSH Key like the above image. Now register the key with your Github Username You are Good to go now. Copy the SSH link and Run it into your server app directory terminal

How to resize thousands of images in multiple folders?

I have been working to migrate an Osclass classified website to Custom made Laravel ad listing E-commerce solution for 2 weeks. It has more than 1,20,000 uncompressed preview and thumbline images that cause the slow page load issue. I was desperately seeking a minimal solution to resize thousands of images in multiple folders. My OS … Read more

Change/Modify environment variables without rebooting windows

Search environment in the search bar Click Edit the System Environment variables & edit as required 2. Open Command Prompt as Administrator 3. Type set PATH=C & Press Enter (This will refresh the environment variables) 4. Close and restart command prompt window 5. Finally, type echo %PATH% & press Enter This will automatically Refresh your … Read more