রিভার্স ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং এবং আমার পথচলা – ১

Self Taught Software Engineer

আজ থেকে ১২/১৫ বছর আগের কথা। তখন মোবাইল ইন্টারনেট সহজলভ্য ছিল না। ইন্টারনেট মানে এক আশ্চর্যের বিষয়। বন্ধুদের মধ্যে যার মোবাইলে ইন্টারনেট সংযোগ থাকতো বিকেলে সবাই মিলে খেলা বাদ দিয়ে তাকে ঘিরে ধরতাম ইন্টারনেট ব্রাউজিং দেখার জন্য। ৯০ এর দশকে যাদের জন্ম তারা জানবেন মিগ৩৩(Mig33) নামে একটি মোবাইল চ্যাট অ্যাপ ছিল। ২০০৫ সালে এর যাত্রা … Read more

This is how I used to introduce myself before 2016 ?

Thanks to the Almighty Allah !!!

Hello Dear Feiends,

I’m yaan From Bangladesh, student of Chemistry. I like Chatting. I love Kicking 😛

From the Beginnings of My Mig33 chatting I love kicking. But I never Flash that. I used to kick by using my spy ID (black__jaguar/black_jaguar-351) I think Few Users (limite_of_unlimied,everytime_i_die,t_25,sharp_shuter) of Barisal room were known that. I used SOK ++, AMC brutal for kicking.

Few Years later (2009) a New Mobile Messenger Name Max99 was launched. It’s a great Mobile Chatting Messenger. I like its kicking Feature Most.

There was no kicking tool that time so we all used Mouse Recorder For kicking. Few of them were Most Powerful Kickers like warrior,naruto,mode_57,shayzay

ogel was the 1st Max99 PC tool Creator. robindronath_thakur was the 1st BD Max99 Soft creator . I used their tool.

After Few days Max99 team changed the IP of Max99. So All Newly Made tool got Ban. In that time I realized the lack of tool. Few developers Repaired their Previous Version. But they did not share. I requested Many times, I also requested them to sell but they did not.

I became so Sad For their behavior. At that time I took a HARD decision to Make tool For Max99 Play room users. I know It was so difficult for me. I have no Educational background on Programming. But I know I have to do that. I started searching .

I got Few valuable Articles From Max99 official Forum.




These were My basic knowledge. At that time adutsen (I don’t know his correct name OR location) bro posted 2nd & 3rd link topic. After 1 month of Hard try I Made Few Functions of Max99 successfully.


I’m really grateful to adutsan bro. I did not get him in Max99 OR Mig33. Now a days I’m also searching him to give Thanks From my Heart 😛 but didn’t get him yet .

I got a Precious Forum that helped me to learn Advance Knowledge of VB6.

And That was :


I got some Helpful Person From that Forum.

1. t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r (yash bro)

2. turjo-.-at (turjo bro)

3. rezwan-2 (rezwan bro)

4. robindronath_thakur (srabon bro)

5. b4db0yb4d (jhon bro)

Now I can make tool 🙂 .

This was my 1st tool For Mig33



I always try to make my own thing. I passed nights without sleeping. I passed weeks For solving a single coding error. But I did not stop trying. That’s why I can feel the pain of those user who doesn’t know any Programming language to Make their own Soft. I try my level best to help them.

If aftab bro did not make max99 then I would never get forum.max99.mobi . If forum.max99.mobi was not created then I would never get adutsan bro. If adutsan bro did not post those topics then I would never get (t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r, turjo-.-at, rezwan-2, robindronath_thakur, b4db0yb4d) bro.

I’m Really Grateful to them. I never Forget their Contribution . Only For them I’m Now buzzard

Pray for Me that I will be an Honest Developer.

