Pc cleaner ccleaner
Ccleaner is a freeware pc cleaner. It is used for system optimization and cleaning unused file form Your system which is allowed windows to run smoothly and freeing up your Valuable Hard Disk space. It also cleans web Browser history , cookies, caches of IE OR Firefox OR Google Chrome or Any other web browser. It’s also globally used as a perfect registry cleaner. It can detect windows Registry Errors and repair speeding up your windows and make it free from errors of launching applications. It’s also a Good uninstaller. It contains start up controller which allows users to choose the application that run at windows start up.
CCleaner Clean the following Applications:
Internet Explorer
Google Chrome
Registry cleaner
Third-party applications
Windows – Recycle Bin, Recent Documents, Temporary files and Log files.
How to use ccleaner ?
After successful Installation Right click > Recycle Bin > Open CCLeaner
You will get a ccleaner window. Clcick > Analyze
After ANALYSIS COMPLETE click > Run Cleaner
How to use registry cleaner ?
Right click > Recycle Bin > Open CCLeaner
Click > Registry > Scan for Issues
Now click > Fix selected Issues
Hopefully Now Your pc is neat and clean 😀
That’s All 🙂
quite interesting, still stick around