turjo-.-at a Famous mig33 for pc software Developer From Bangladesh
If you want to know the name of OLD Mig33 developer then you have to mention turjo-.-at an experienced Bangladeshi mig33 software developer. Let’s read his Programming history 😛
Hello Everyone,
I had a great attraction on technology. when i was in 5th class i got a mobile. At that time Grameen Phone launched their internet. Without waiting anymore i took internet in my phone. It was mid of 2005. At that time i hear about mig33 that we can call free from it. Then i joined mig33 mid of 2006. Then i saw many wap site and i was thinking how they make website. Then i started to know about website making from all around. Then i got few site’s those providing wap site with CMS system like peperonity.com, wen.ru etc. Then in 2006 i made a wap site and worked hard for that without knowing the real meaning of programing. In 2007 i got a person who made my all dreams true. Without his help and information i would never learn programing at that stage. He told me what i have to learn and what i have to do to web developing. His virtual name (TiGER-M@TE). Then i bought a domain and start my web developing career. Then i bought a book of HTML & PHP and start learning. Then mid of the 2007 first i made my own wap site. Slowly i was trying to learn other programing languages. Then i learned WML,CSS,JAVA. Then i started to analysing with these languages. After that 2008 to 2010 i made few more site and also keep my learning. After that at the end of 2010 i was loosing interest from web developing. In these years i was using mig33 and also used multy. 1st i start multy kicking with FMPC made by Freezer bro. Then i got the best multy tool of mig33 Sok++ made by aftab bro. I used it for a long time. But unfortunately it was disabled and there was no soft as i wanted. Then i decide to make my own soft and will use it for multy. Then i started learning Visual Basic and then vb.Net. To learn mig33 programing YASH bro helped me a lot. Then one of my friend th7_crush inspire me to make a soft. He always helped me when i needed him.Then i made a multy soft. Slowly i made few more software. On the other hand i also worked with some software firms. At the end of 2011 i decided to leave mig33 programming For many reason. Then i was working with my friends in web developing sector. Then i started working in ODESK and few more local companies. I have always a dream to make my own Web & Software firm. Few months ago we made a Web & Software firm and still working there.