ip5 a well known mig33 pc software developer
Hello everyone,
I have just collected a mig33 programming story of a popular BD Mig33 software developer. It’s described below. 😀
Hi Friends,
I am tarek hussain pappu. I had a friend who used to use mig33. He taught me how to open an id in this website. my first chat room was dhaka cafe While chatting in dhaka cafe, at times i found myself being kicked by other users. The kicks surprised me. It kept me thinking about how did it all happen. On asking my friend, i came to know that these are called multy kicks. It infatuated me on using multy as kickers. On knowing this, one of my friend himu_ooo7 gave me 1o multy ids initially for a try For a try for the first time. Back then, i opened 1o sjboy in order to use multy kicks but since i was slow, my enemies used to kick me faster with multy tools which i didn’t have at that time. After that, i managed to find some multy tools which weren’t good enough. Later my friend jassy_mark gifted me a multy tool named mig-max , samayao1 Then i totally got into multy kicking and started using some more multy tools name pokea, sheain etc etc. and for now, i think i am good making these tools by myself. After some days have passed, i got an Indonesian tool I knocked the owner in private and asked him to register the tool, on saying this, he asked for some credits and i left silently Then i thought of making tools of my own. But i didn’t know how to make their ones so i went to turjo-.-at . And asked him about the making. Then turjo told me about vb6.I downloaded it but i didn’t know how to use it. So turjo gave me some tips.Regarding the tool then i managed to learn by myself by googling and reading book. And i made some tool which included digital clock, sports clock, etc.After piling up some ideas, i joined the forum terminator where I found big bro like b4db0yb4d and t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r . They helped me in programming mig33 and afterwards , i started multy kicking by my own tool. Few days later my younger brother created a gang in mig33 damn rulzz Which used to be managed by our self hands. A gang anti to us, challenged on our faces about there tools being so uncrackable which. Which drove me crazy and stubborn enough to surf and go through books in order to try my level best to learn cracking their tools.That challenge made me independent about cracking tools by myself and now, i an expert at it. In all my bad times and problematic ones, My big bro bad boy and little bro k.b. was always by my side for assistance The movie hasn’t ended yet, it is still to be continued…..