ace_15 a Popular Developer of Mig33 for PC World
Dear viewers, 🙂
How much entertainment have you get from Our previous Mig33 developers story ? Hopefully it was Great. Ok.. Today I’m here with a new story of a popular Mig33 developer of BD ace_15 . Lets start Our Journey 😛
Hi guys ,
I am Joy and my mig33 login id is ace_15 . I am a mig33 user since 26 July 2008 when i was 15 years old 😀 . Someone slang me and kicked me when i first entered in a room . I was surprised to see that 8 people entered in the room then kicked me so quickly . Then I asked my friend how did they do it. Then he told me that that was mig33 multi software by that software 1 person can use many ids at a time . That time multi software wasn’t available like today. Then I searched in Google for multi tools . I found 2/3 brutal kicking tool and 1 manual flooding tool. Then i started using multi too . Day by day mig33 upgraded them a lot then the old multi kicking tools became useless . Then i met with srabon vai (robindronath_thakur) , turjo-.-at , sun_-light , rezwan-2 , be1 . They are the best mig33 developers in Bangladesh, not only in Bangladesh but also in the whole mig33. I like their tools. then i started using their tools. Suddenly a bad idea came into my mind 😀 i had thought that i will develop my own mig33 for pc tool. Then I asked sun_-light (naim vai) how they develop tools. I am so much thankful to naim vai because he helped me a lot. Turjo-.-at , rezwan-2 , yaan_9 also helped me a lot . I am very much thankful to all of them too . And Special Thanks to t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r (yash vai). My First tool was The Ultimate Warrior . IT was a simple kicking and flood tool. That was the starting . Then I developed many tools . I am not so good at this developing . But i try my level best to give users a nice tool. And I Love them who use my tools and thank them a lot. Now i am busy in real life that’s why i left developing . And Sorry for my mistakes . Thanks to All 🙂
Best regards,