b4db0yb4d Story of an advance level Mig33 Programmer

b4db0yb4d Story of an advance level Mig33 Programmer

I’m here with a Great Interview from john (b4db0yb4d) bro. He also helped me a lot on Mig33 Programming. I’m really grateful to him. Let’s take a look of his amazing experience. 😛

b4db0yb4d Story of an advance level Mig33 Programmer


I’m john (b4db0yb4d) ,
I joined mig33 in 2005 December 25 May be, i was a very simple user my first Id at mig33 was badb0ybad it has been banned forever for hacking mig33 server at 2008 for fun.
My first chat room was bangladeshi3, and i found lots of friend all are mobile user and innocent user they can’t kick,can’t flood even i did not know what is the meaning of kick some of my favorite enemy was ruhan07,babu0175 something :p…..

They always kicked my ass and i ever know what is this i just see You have been kicked. But i still sending text and i didn’t get any response. after some days i understood what the meaning of Kick.

One day i became a crazy kicker no matter it’s day or night, i kicked users 24 hours. My first kicking master was distune and tareq263 (First mig33 admin from Bangladesh) I’m really grateful to them. 1 day i went Indians only chat room for kicking then i just kick some of user and i saw in my pvt (Hey Urade sabko) ?? what is this i don’t know who is this its my first meet with my best friend t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r (Yash). I used sjboy + mouse recorder and i thing He is the real kicker who actually use the sjboy with mouse recorder. 1 day I went uk-london and i saw in 2/3 seconds 15 id got kicked at a time i search google and i have found some mig33 tool. it was really amazing.
and i got an idea I’ll make something like that i shared this idea with yash he told me we don’t know how to creat program. And this is true i didn’t know what is coding i told him we would learn we can do it.
after that i started searching for learning mig33 coding also found my another friend king zigi dx one of dx community co admin my best friend. He told me about visual basic (vb6).
i download that and started working when i open vb i did not know how to make a program. I searched on google again and again But I found nothing. After that i contacted with a indo developer but unfortunately he abuseed me as well, i told this to yash he told me don’t worry we will make it, it’s not a big deal. then i had found only login project from one of my best friend freezer (indo mig33 developers). I started working with that project.
My first tool was b4d room user checker only get list of the chat room. i was very happy in that time, i shared my project to yash then we started working together, my 2nd tool b4d hard kick one of the best tool in mig33 1 click up to 10 kicked. woooow !!! sound good.
i have created lots of mig33 tool i can’t say exactly how many tool i have created.

I’m a very busy man and i can’t get any free time to make mig33 tool. but i don’t leave mig33 programing i always help new developers (B4D Immortal).

Thank you.

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