t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r one of the best Mig33 Programmer
Fortunately 😛 I have got a chance to take an Interview from My teacher t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r. Let’s see how was His 1st Mig33 Programming Experience.
Hi, My name is Yash and My Mig33 Id is t-3-r-m-i-n-4-t-0-r.
I’ve joined mig in january 2006. I was used to make my regular present in my few favorite mig33 rooms like. Indians Only, India, Mumbai
As I was new in mig33, everyone were treating me with their kicks, floods and abuses. one day I met a guy who taught me about kicks and floods.
My curiosity couldn’t stop me to ask more and more, he told me about sjboy which was the famous tool at that time.
I’ve started using that and created my own room and started kick and flood of all those who were kicking me. One day another kicker came in my room and kicked out my all ids in few seconds.
I was angered but impressed too and that time I’d started searching on Google about fast kick/flood. I found one community “power-ranger”. I joined that and started sharing my knowledge there and became super-admin of that forum.
One day the admin of that forum abused me and demoted me from my rank there. That was the turning day in my life.
I’ve created my own community
t3rmin4t0rz community but i was new in mig33 programming. Hence i started searching more about it and found Migpro. I’ve started to create tools with the help of that I dint know much programming that time. Only C++ was in my mind but that was useless for mig33 tools.
One indo developer “Vortexmind” has given me a very simple project just to login and enter id in a room. I’ve worked on that tool and created my first vb6 tool “ACRD [Admin Caller and Room Detector].
My resources was Google nothing else. ACRD has given me popularity and motivation. I created T3rmin4t0rz Mission Accomplished[TMA]”. And then I got few programmer friends. One of them is b4db0yb4d [John] we have started sharing our projects and learned more together.
Rest is in front of you. You can know about all of my tool in my forum forum.t3rmin4t0rz.com
I know how a new programmer feel when he can do but he is lack of resources. Hence I’ve started teaching also in my forum.and in front of me almost 70% programmers of mig33 tools are getting improvement in their programming skills with the help of my forum. I mean OUR forum..
Mig33 has given me confidence and I’ve learned more and Now I can work in C, C++, Objective-C, C#, Vb6, Delphi, .Net, Python and also PHP .
But now I’m getting busy on my job and not getting interest on mig33 and mig33 tools. I’m just helping others not developing any mig33 tool. But I’ve not stopped , in my free time I would like to work on it.
Don’t loose hope just think what you have and what can you make with that.. Keep asking keep searching.. t3rmin4t0rz community is with You.
Thanks !