Mig33 Banner v1 by thakur
How to load id :
1.Click to ‘Mod Panel’
2.A new frame appear,click ‘Load Mod’,load a notepad of mod id
3.You have to arrange ur notepad like this > your id/id paswrd in one line
4.’Login’ yours ids,type ‘room name’,click ‘enter’ when all id is logged
5.Only 1st mod id will enter in the room
6.Click ‘back’ to close this frame
7.Log 1 id for spy room list now in ‘Room List id’Commands :
8.’Hide protect’ = protected id will remove from room list
9.’/me detect’ = detect /me text id from room for ban
10.’Txt detect’ = detect id for ban which give similar text from text box right side
11.’Text :::’ = put which text you want to detect
12.’Click id to protect’ = select it and click which id you want to protect
13.’Click Add id in slow ban’ = select it and click which id you want to add in ban list
14.’Level detect’ = make a range for detect level
15.’Slow ban’ = make ur bannig slowly by specific delay,default delay is ‘2’ sec
16.’Unban’ = click id in left box then press it for unban,1st mod id must be logged
17.’Slow ban list’ = click over list to remove id from list,’C’ = clear full list
18.’protect list’ = remove any id with comma ‘,’ if u wnat to remove it from protect list
19. ‘Chat Tab’ = write ur text in box and press ‘keyboard Enter’ to send it
20.’Protect All’ = put all room list id to protect list
21.’BanList All’ = put all room list id to ban listFeatures :
1.Smart Ban with time(no doubling,smart remove)
2.Protect id
3.Mod logging with working status for ban
4.Level Detect
5.Specified Flood detect
6.protect All
7.Ban Listed All
8.Unban single id
9.Load mod with random id and random password
10.Enter all mod in room